Life Changing Conversations Over A Beer

Is BrewPastors For Me?

It is...

If you could use some encouragement.

If you want to encourage others when life is hard.

If you own a brewery.

If you're a pastor or help lead a church.

What if the answers to all of life’s problems could be found at the bottom of your next beer?

Sure, the beer’s great… we can vouch for that! But, the answers—well, they just aren’t there. We know because we’ve looked. What you really need, when you’re tapped out, is a clear path forward. We’ve been there too. Everyone (including BrewPastors) go through tough times. Life can be hard—real hard.

Whatever it is that’s weighing you down (sickness, death, divorce, job loss)—we’re here for you. When you’re tired, frustrated, confused, sad, or just sense something is missing in life—we’re here for you. When you’re wondering if you have what it takes—we’re here for you.

If a listening ear and a dose of encouragement over a beer sounds like a winning combination—look no further. We’ve launched BrewPastors with you in mind. So whether you’re seeking peace amidst the storms of life, searching for life purpose or just need a safe place to share your story or shed a tear—you’ve got what it takes and we’re in this together!

It's really pretty simple: We love God, love people, and enjoy craft beer. Does this sound like you?

BrewPastors are no-judgment listeners. Some are pastors by occupation, others have no formal ministry training but are simply available, capable, and willing to serve. They meet up at local breweries—or online—to share a beer, listen to stories, and make a friend.

The mission is simple: Give encouragement when life is hard. Offer help and hope over hops. Is this down your alley? We'd love to have you apply and start you on the journey to becoming a BrewPastor.
Apply Now

You've been here for us; we're here for you.

We’ve enjoyed your beer, the amazing atmosphere, and meeting up with friends and family at your brewery. We know life’s been hard. COVID-19 has taken its toll. And yet one of the things we admire most about the breweries we visit is your remarkable resilience and how you continue to give back to the surrounding community. You care deeply about making a difference, and it shows. We admire what you’ve done and simply want to give back—to be an encouragement—to you, your staff, and maybe even a few patrons when the storms of life hit.

Besides enjoying beer and good conversation at our favorite watering-holes, BrewPastors have been known to make hospital visits, assist with funerals, refer people to local resources like certified counselors, nonprofits, churches, and other community resources. Quite simply, we’re here for you—when you need it most.

God's been up to something lately.

Let’s face it… it’s been a very challenging season for pastors and churches. Learning how to navigate a global pandemic has pushed many to their limits. Changes that church leaders could see on the horizon were suddenly here overnight as COVID-19 hit our communities. If you’re rethinking everything. You’re not alone.

People in our communities are rethinking things too. In fact, another change whose time has come helps people navigate challenging times, right where they are, in their local brewery or favorite watering hole. They want a safe, comfortable place to talk about life, faith, and other concerns with a local pastor. How do we know? They told us so.

We think we’re onto something with BrewPastors, but we need your help to remove the barriers that keep people from having the life-changing conversations they need most. Cold beer or hot coffee, it really doesn’t matter - let’s grab one and chat. We’d love to visit with you about various founding partnership opportunities like 1-on-1 BrewPastor meet-ups, various BrewGroup initiatives, out-of-the-box new campuses, and innovative microchurches.

And, the cool part? We’re just getting started!
Meet With Us
 ˈbrü pa-stər 
BrewPastor; BrewPastors (pl);

Definition of BrewPastor


: a person  who listens well : a person who is nonjudgmental :  a person who enjoys craft beer
especially : a pastor serving a local community or brewery

BrewPastor FAQs

Is drinking beer a requirement for meeting with a BrewPastor?

Not at all! Beer, like food or coffee, is a connector of people. There's no reason you can't opt for something different! The point is: We're here for encouragement when life is hard, so  grab a beer, an Americano, a smoothie, and share your story.

Do I have to meet with a BrewPastor in-person?

Nope! We totally get it—distance (or distance-ing) may cause some hesitation. So a lot of our BrewPastors have opted to be available online.

Can I bring a friend to a meeting?

Yes! Meeting with a BrewPastor is confidential, but it's not counseling. There's an option to bring someone along to your meeting when you schedule with a BrewPastor.

Are BrewPastors really pastors?

A number of BrewPastors are ordained pastors by occupation—from different denominations and backgrounds. However, some BrewPastors are not ordained by a church but have gone through a reference, screening, and training process to ensure your safety and confidentiality.

Don't see a question you're looking for?

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The BrewPastor Manifesto 

BrewPastors is a worldwide movement of people who love God, love people, and enjoy great beer. We’re “there” for you when you need a safe-place to share your story, shed a tear, seek peace or find purpose. We listen, encourage, pray, and connect. Tapped out? Let’s chat.
Talk to a BrewPastor

Encouragement for when life is hard.

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