We're on break right now... but we'll be back. Check here for updates!
Your name (required)
Your email (required)
What's your question or message for the BrewGroup leader? (required)
Which is bigger, two or twelve?
(No, this isn't a trick question—asking this helps us filter out automated responses and cut down on spam.)
[dynamichidden author-email "CUSTOM_POST_AUTHOR_EMAIL"]
[dynamichidden author-name "CUSTOM_POST_AUTHOR_NAME"]
This information is optional—but necessary if you want to be included on the map. The city/state information will be listed publicly and pinned on a map. (Please don't list a personal street address or any personally-identifiable place.)
What do you call your BrewGroup?
What's the name of the brewery or venue for your group?
Please use format hh:mm am/pm—e.g. 6:30 pm
How often do you meet? If it's on a specific day of the month, you can list "Every second _____" along with "Tuesday" for every second Tuesday, for example. If you don't meet on a recurring day, you can list "As-scheduled" instead.
Feel free to add some upcoming dates to your BrewGroup's schedule
What is your group studying or discussing? Is it topical, Bible book-based, or a specific study? You can list it here!
You can help people better find your group by selecting the type of group. (Or more than one if it applies!)
Have a change to the schedule? An unexpected cancellation? A recently-update meeting location? Add it here!
You can customize your group by setting a cover photo. Recommended image size/dimensions: 1920px x 1080px (HD). Filetypes supported: jpg, png. Max file size: 2MB.
Is your group open or closed? If you choose "Open," your group will be listed in the active groups. If it's "Closed" your group page will still be accessible, but it will not be listed on the main listing page.
Your phone (required)
Is there anything you'd like for us to know? (Favorite craft beer, favorite local watering holes, part of your story, etc.)
Which is bigger, pint or cup?
(No, this isn't a trick question—asking this helps us filter out genuine, human responses and cut down on spam.)
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