Canton, Ohio
If you have a name you prefer to go by on your profile, please list it here.
Maximum filesize: 750kb. Please use a square image.
142 characters or fewer
You can choose a general variety (or add your own favorite brand).
You can paste in a full passage or just a reference. (142 character limits)
Don’t see your favorite watering-hole listed? Don’t worry: You can submit one here and add it to your profile later.
This will be visible on your contact form. Don't worry: You're not committed to meeting every week in this window. It's just a helpful guide for when someone requests a meeting.
Do you want to show BrewGroups you're in on your profile?
This information is optional—but necessary if you want to be included on the map. The city/state information will be listed publicly and pinned on a map. (Please don't list a personal street address or any personally-identifiable place.)
Is it OK to text you about this meeting? (Optional)
Your name (required)
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Your phone (required)
Is there anything you'd like for us to know? (Favorite craft beer, favorite local watering holes, part of your story, etc.)
Which is smaller, three or nine?
(No, this isn't a trick question—asking this helps us filter out genuine, human responses and cut down on spam.)
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